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Thursday, April 10, 2014

E-Refrence Sources

  1. Encyclopedias 
    1. Columbia Encyclopedia
    2. Encyclopedia of Psychology
    3. Medical Encyclopedia
    4. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    5. WebMD 
  2. Dictionaries, Thseauri

    Language Dictionaries 
    1. Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms
    2. English to Punjabi Dictionary
    3. Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
    4. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary 
    Subject Dictionaries
    1. CABI Thesaurus
    2. Dictionary of Cell & Molecular Biology
    3. Dictionary of the Social Sciences
    4. Library Automation/Technology Glossary
    5. Medical Dictionary
    6. Rogets Int. Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases
    7. Rogets Thesaurus 
  3. Yearbooks, Almanacs, Handbooks
    1. Union Budget & Economic Survey
    2. Global Corruption Report 2005
    3. Guinness Book of World Records
    4. Human Development Reports
    5. Sipri Yearbook
    6. World Development Indicators 2005
    7. World Factbook 2004
  4. Sources of Biographical Information
    1. Biographical Dictionary
    2. Biographies of Great Indians 
  5. Sources of Geographical Information
    1. City Population
    2. Geography
    3. Global Gazetteer
    4. Imperial Gazetteer of India
    5. Imperial Gazetteer of India (Maps)
    6. Indian Historical Maps
    7. Internet Resources : Geographical Data
    8. Maps and GIS sources on the World
    9. Maps of India
    10. Population Reference Bureau
    11. Thesaurus of Geographic Names
    12. World Atlas
    13. World Flag Database
    14. World Gazetteer 
  6. Sources of Statistical Information
    1. Census of India
    2. Asian Development Bank
    3. Demographic and Health Surveys
    4. Human Development Resource Centre
    5. Indian Health Statistical Database
    6. International Monetary Fund
    7. International Statistical yearbooks
    8. National Family Health Survey (NFHS), India
    9. Reserve Bank of India
    10. UNICEF Statistical Data
    11. WHO Statistical Information System (WHOSIS)
    12. World Bank Data & Statistics
    13. World Trade Organization (WTO)
  7. Sources of Educational Information
    1. All India Council For Technical Education(AICTE)
    2. Association of Indian Universities(AIU)
    3. Association of Commonwealth Universities(AICU)
    4. Colleges & Universities Worldwide
    5. Educational Profile of Indian States & UTs
    6. Educational Scholarships
    7. Educational Statistics
    8. Google Directory for Indian Education
    9. Higher Education in India
    10. International Association of Universities(IAU)
    11. National Policy on Education(NPE)
    12. Sources of Funding for International Students - Education
    13. Study Abroad
    14. Technical Education in India
    15. UNESCO
    16. University Grants Commission (UGC) 
  8. Standards and Patents
    1. Bureau of Indian Standards(BIS)
    2. Current Awareness Services: Patents and Standards
    3. European Patent Office(EPO)
    4. Google Directory of Patents
    5. Google Directory of Standards
    6. Indian Patents Database
    7. Patents & Standards
    8. United States Patents(USPTO) 
  9. Indian Reference Sources
    1. Digital Library of India
    2. Five Year Plans
    4. Gateway to Government of India Info over the web
    5. Govt. of India: Directory of Educational Institutions
    6. Indian Presidents, Prime Ministers
    7. Internet Indian History Sourcebook
    8. Online Encyclopedia of Indian politician

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